A Deeper Meaning Behind “Expansion of Consciousness”

An image of the Buddha sitting in meditation, with large consciousness permanently expanded from his head.

In the last few decades there has been a lot of talk in various spiritual circles about expansion of consciousness; that in order to be spiritual, the person needs to expand their consciousness. Many people say that by using meditation or some other spiritual practices, that they have expanded their consciousness. If you would to inquire more about what they mean by this, often time you would get an answer that they have become more aware in daily life and more conscious of the things that previously they were not. Continue reading

Astral Travel Training: Tips that Increase Chances for OBE (Part 3/3)

Practices are not only about quantity. Even more important is quality. Easier said than done, but it’s a golden rule and very worthwhile to grasp it well. Someone once said that “definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different resuts”, and that if the door you try to open is not opening by pushing, then you need to pull it. This indicate the need to experiment in order to get to results.

Most people that get stuck somewhere in the process of learning astral projection, is because they are applying the same approach, without getting any result. This indicates that practices are done in a mechanical way. Therefore, before starting the practice, intent to do it with quality, and things might very well start changing for the better. Remember: astral projection is achieved when the mind is awake at the moment when the physical body falls asleep. It is that simple, and a quality practice will move you in that direction. Continue reading