Postponing the Inner Work

If we would talk to people who have spiritual longings about the need for the inner work, many would agree that it would be beneficial and even necessary to reach self-realization. At the same time, however, many feel that they are not ready due to their circumstances in life, that they need to place their full attention on their family, job careers, or some projects that they are working on. It’s also not uncommon for those who have been doing the work for some time and have failed in it, to decide to step back and resume it when they will be stronger. Continue reading

“Watch and Pray” – A Gnostic Meaning Behind Jesus’s Words

“Watch and pray” is something that Jesus said several times in the Gospels, and many people have reflected on the depth of what he meant by it. In itself, this is a profound teaching, because it explains what in the Gnostic system of teaching is known as the “First key to awakening”. Jesus said: “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (from Mark 14:38) Continue reading

Becoming a Spiritual Master

Image by Seung-Hwan Chung

There are many ideas out there about what spiritual mastery entails, and there are many people who think of themselves as spiritual masters. Many believe that to become a master, it is necessary to renounce the mundane life, to retreat to nature and live for the rest of their lives as hermits. Many believe that in order to become a master it is mandatory to be a celibate, and that having a spouse is an obstacle to that. There are also many that believe, that experiencing Reality through meditation is what gives someone illumination, after which they become enlightened and free from this world. None of these beliefs touch the core of what spiritual mastery really is. Continue reading

Connecting with Divine Mother through mantra IO

The Valkyries Vigil

Vocalizing mantras is a great way to activate that which is spiritual within us, such as our chakras and consciousness. Vocalizing sounds of the mantra has the power to make our chakras vibrate, and our consciousness to temporarily wake up. Maintaining our consciousness (our true self) awake, is another story – it requires persistent efforts and a change in our way of being. Continue reading

Negative Elitist Societies And Their Usage of Esoteric Symbols

Opening ceremony of 2012 Olympics
Opening ceremony of 2012 Olympics

There are many videos out there about Illuminati and their involvment in mystical things. Many of them show how they incorporate various secret religious practices and beliefs, such as those of ancient Egypt, Kabalah, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism etc. Hence, all of these ancient teachings and their symbols (such as Hexagram, properly positioned pentagram, risen Phoenix, eye of Horus, etc.) are presented as diabolic. Continue reading